

Story 22 of 52 /// It strangely felt like coming home

Moving to a new country was such a blessing for me. My parents never really made it explicit to me, but I was a gifted learner. And I was really bored in school. I was born while my parents were on assignment, I always identified myself as someone from another...
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Family Adventures: Ensuring a Successful Pre-Assignment Trip Together

The decision is made, or it is close to being made. You are relocating internationally to take on a new position, and you are now in full preparation mode. There’s a mix of excitement and apprehension for what lies ahead. To help you prepare, your company has generously offered you...
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Story 8 of 52 /// The epitome of a Third Culture Kid

“I’m sitting here thinking that we have to rethink the way we look at this. This is how the world is turning. Instead of having to make a choice, why can’t she be both? Eileen Gu is living her best life. She loves both countries and feels just as American...
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Finding a Budget for Successful Family Relocation Experiences

Before Expat Valley existed, there was no global solution for internationally mobile children and their families. This was one reason why such solutions were not widely adopted by organizations that sponsor family relocations in order to fulfill a human resource need. Now that is out of the way, another major...
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Story 24 of 52 /// Look Jana, a German car!

I moved to the Netherlands for university, and have stayed ever since. I speak the language fluently, and my appearance does not make me stand out from locals. Some people still recognize my accent though. And of course, my friends all know of my German descent. In their eyes, I’m...
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Story 16 of 52 /// We now share childhood memories

We moved to Australia when she was only 10 months old, with the intention of never going back to the Netherlands. She attended a local Kindy as soon as she was old enough, and though we spoke Dutch at home, she always felt that English was her first language. Watching...
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Three Tips on the First Day of School (for international families)

The first day of school is often filled with a mix of emotions when it is experienced in one’s passport culture, but the mental, emotional and even academic complexity can often be significantly magnified when it is experienced internationally. Students living abroad have the normal first day nerves, along with...
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Family-friendly Settling-in Checks

When your organization recruits someone for an international assignment or transfer, it is often because there is a job to be done in that location. For your colleague to focus on that job and execute it successfully, they need to be able to concentrate. Now, imagine your colleague leaving home...
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Family-friendly Assignment Briefings

Most, if not all, global workforce employers host an “Assignment Briefing” conversation with their employee. With Family Concerns being a major risk to assignment success, identifying and addressing Family Concerns early on is a great way to set-up for success ánd improve your organization’s Employee Experience. Or, as we like...
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A Guide to Family-Friendly Assignment Planning

It is that time of the year again: the end of the academic year is rapidly approaching in many countries around the globe. And as a consequence, there is a long school break coming up. If there is an “ideal time to move for international families”, that long school break...
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