Resources tagged with: Family Traditions
Holidays Abroad: Balancing Heartache and Adventure in a New Culture
The holidays were fast approaching. The Sørensen family had moved to Singapore in the middle of summer, but the continued humid air and glowing city lights felt incredibly odd as months went by. While they had started settling into their new lives, they were regularly reminded of how far removed...Read more
Story 35 of 52 /// Family Rituals
I could tell by the look on my mom’s face that something terrible had happened. She looked as if she had been crying. She sat us down, and said: “Nan has passed away. It was unexpected, she never had any pain.” We last spoke three days ago. We last hugged...Read more
Story 16 of 52 /// We now share childhood memories
We moved to Australia when she was only 10 months old, with the intention of never going back to the Netherlands. She attended a local Kindy as soon as she was old enough, and though we spoke Dutch at home, she always felt that English was her first language. Watching...Read more