Resources in Categorie: 52 Stories Series
Story 9 of 52 /// Henry & Max
Your worlds spread out over two homes, two mothers, two languages, two countries, and two lives. You are brothers. Your dad’s world is a constant effort to foster permanence and security in your brotherhood. He is battling systems that were designed for families living in one home, with one set...Read more
Story 35 of 52 /// Family Rituals
I could tell by the look on my mom’s face that something terrible had happened. She looked as if she had been crying. She sat us down, and said: “Nan has passed away. It was unexpected, she never had any pain.” We last spoke three days ago. We last hugged...Read more
Story 32 of 52 /// Bittersweet
The coming six months we’ll be getting ready to go back home. My mom is stressing out already. My dad is wrapping up his project in three months, and most likely he’ll have to fly out to his new job for a few weeks already. We can’t leave yet, as...Read more
Story 22 of 52 /// It strangely felt like coming home
Moving to a new country was such a blessing for me. My parents never really made it explicit to me, but I was a gifted learner. And I was really bored in school. I was born while my parents were on assignment, I always identified myself as someone from another...Read more
Story 8 of 52 /// The epitome of a Third Culture Kid
“I’m sitting here thinking that we have to rethink the way we look at this. This is how the world is turning. Instead of having to make a choice, why can’t she be both? Eileen Gu is living her best life. She loves both countries and feels just as American...Read more
Story 24 of 52 /// Look Jana, a German car!
I moved to the Netherlands for university, and have stayed ever since. I speak the language fluently, and my appearance does not make me stand out from locals. Some people still recognize my accent though. And of course, my friends all know of my German descent. In their eyes, I’m...Read more
Story 16 of 52 /// We now share childhood memories
We moved to Australia when she was only 10 months old, with the intention of never going back to the Netherlands. She attended a local Kindy as soon as she was old enough, and though we spoke Dutch at home, she always felt that English was her first language. Watching...Read more