Story 9 of 52 /// Henry & Max

Your worlds spread out over two homes, two mothers, two languages, two countries, and two lives. You are brothers.
Your dad’s world is a constant effort to foster permanence and security in your brotherhood. He is battling systems that were designed for families living in one home, with one set of parents, one language, in one country.
Sometimes things are made easy: when an employer recognizes your family as an opportunity and facilitates whatever they can, when schools make exceptions so you can spend holidays together, and when courts recognize you are one family, not two.
Sometimes things are challenging: when international travel restrictions keep you apart, when your stories are not represented, or when you are made to feel your family set-up is unique in its kind.
Your family is beautiful in unique ways. Henry helps Max to improve his English during their Skype sessions. Max sends silly postcards with an app to Henry which are printed in the UK. Your family set-up has allowed you to travel the world, learn languages, and embrace different cultures.
You don’t know any better than that this is your brother and he is your family. Now let’s have the systems that supposedly care for your wellbeing, start recognizing you as you are.
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